Looking for Hope
Marianne laid her head in her hands. The real estate office was empty of employees. It was past time to go home. “But what’s at home? I’ve spent my life building this company. I’ve got nobody. No one cares about me as me. I’m just the old mean boss aka slave driver....
Finding Faith
Snow fell as I turned the key in the ignition. Nothing. I slammed the car door.“Fine. I’ll just spend Christmas Eve alone in a truck stop.”I stepped inside. The place was crowded. Didn’t these truckers have any better place to spend the holiday? Maybe it was this...
Through Love Colored Glasses
Through Love-Colored Glasses “I don’t know what it is, Jackie. I just can’t seem to find the romance anymore. It’s like we’ve been married so long we’re just, well, ordinary, I guess. I can’t even remember the last time Dave brought me flowers or took me to dinner....